If you have had a heart attack or stroke, the danger of suffering another one is even greater
Even if you are on a statin, you may not be as safe as you think. If you’ve suffered a heart attack, there’s an increased chance of another CV event within the year.
For 25% additional protection after a heart attack or a stroke, talk to your doctor about taking VASCEPA with statins.*
*In a clinical study, patients treated with VASCEPA and a statin had fewer cardiovascular events (17.2%) compared to those who took placebo (22%).

Go beyond statins to protect your heart from another CV event.
Statins are recommended for high cholesterol, but even with well-controlled cholesterol, significant cardiovascular risk remains. Especially if you already had a heart attack or stroke.
Adding VASCEPA to a statin can help reduce this remaining risk.

Starting to add heart-healthy habits to your routine? Adding VASCEPA can also help reduce your chances of suffering another heart attack or stroke.

After a first heart attack, around 20% of patients age 45 and older will have another heart attack within 5 years.
Ready to talk to your doctor about additional heart protection?

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