25% added
heart protection
is possible?
A groundbreaking 2018 study* proved that VASCEPA lowers your chance of a life-threatening cardiovascular event (such as a heart attack or stroke) by 25%† when added to a statin.‡
*REDUCE-IT® study N Engl J Med. 2019;380(1):11-22.
†In adults on maximally tolerated statins with TG ≥150 mg/dL and established CVD or diabetes and ≥2 CVD risk factors.
‡In a clinical study, patients treated with VASCEPA and a statin had fewer cardiovascular (CV) events (17.2%) compared to those who took placebo (22%).

How much ground did this study actually break?
When medical societies saw the results, they immediately recognized the active ingredient in VASCEPA, icosapent ethyl, in their guidelines.
Why? CV disease is an epidemic, and a 25% reduction in risk‡ on top of statins is a very significant breakthrough.
To be clear, statins are still recommended for high cholesterol, but even with a statin, significant CV risk can remain. We call this:

Protect your heart
with an additional
CV risk reduction‡ when you add VASCEPA to your statin.
If you cannot take statins, talk to your doctor about
whether or not VASCEPA can help you.
‡In a clinical study, patients treated with VASCEPA and a statin had fewer CV events (17.2%) compared to those who took placebo (22%).
How we got here
- Landmark REDUCE-IT trial included over 8000 statin-treated patients with high triglycerides and lasted nearly 5 years
- In addition to taking a statin, most patients were also taking medication to manage conditions like high blood pressure
- In this study, patients treated with VASCEPA had fewer CV events (17.2%) compared to those who took placebo (22%)
How VASCEPA reduces CV risk
VASCEPA is the first and only FDA-approved medication to lower CV risk in addition to other medications, such as statins, in patients with heart disease or diabetes and other risk factors. The clinical effects of VASCEPA are believed to include multiple factors. The exact science of how VASCEPA works in your body is not fully understood, but years of clinical testing have led to proven clinical results in lowering P-CVR with VASCEPA. Ask your doctor about heart protection with VASCEPA.

Even if you’re taking a statin or other medications for high blood pressure, VASCEPA offers the additional CV protection your heart needs

Are you at greater risk than you think?